Quality of life: Bologna is no longer in first place

Lto quality of life measures well-being of citizens with respect to some material living conditions that make everyday life better. It’s about a very important element which changes considerably depending on the city in which you live. The measure is taken care of every year Sun 24 Hourstaking into consideration various factors, among which there are naturally work, the environment, health, safety and culture.

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Quality of life: Udine displaces Bologna from first place

This year first place was conquered by Udine, which has gained 11 positions compared to the 2022 ranking. It influenced his first position the quality of life of womenbut then it obtained fourth for the “justice and security” category and eighth for the quality of life of girls and boys.

Among other things, it influenced the first position the large number of gyms, swimming pools and wellness centres, but also the low frequency of fires, computer crimes and car thefts. And, finally, the low quantity of families with ISEE of less than 7 thousand euros and of failing businesses.

Bologna and Trento second and third positions

Bologna instead drops one position, winner of the 2022 edition and which since 1990 has been the most livable Italian province five times. However, the city obtained first place in the “demography, health and society” category. Trento, this year comes thirdbut the Sportsmanship Index, the quality of life of elderly people and the goodness of the urban ecosystem wins.

Bergamo is also among the top tenItalian Capital of Culture for 2023 together with Brescia and first in the “environment and services” category, Monza and Brianzafirst for “wealth and consumption”, e Milanthe best place for “business and work”.

Udine: evening view of the Loggia del Lionello, the city hall. (Getty Images)

Florence loses three positions

In 2022 Florence had been judged the third most livable Italian provincebut this year it has lost three positions due to the increase in rents, but above all to reports of thefts and robberies. Veronawhich was in first place in 2020 and 2021 closes the top ten.

Trieste and Bolzano drop out of the ten positions

Instead, they dropped out of the top ten positions Trieste and Bolzano: the first due to the negative results on energy production from renewable sources and investments under the PNRR, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the second by the number of accessible schools and pharmacies.

It should be underlined that this is one of the negative data that has affected the quality of life in many provinces it is the decrease in people’s savingsdue to the general increase in mortgage prices and bills.

Quality of life: the worst in the South

According to the survey, unfortunately, the provinces of Southern Italy remain concentrated in the second half of the ranking: 31 of the 40 are located in the South or on the IslandsWhile nine are in the Center and North and they are Latina, Imperia, Frosinone, Alessandria, Rovigo, Grosseto, Viterbo, Rieti and Massa Carrara.

The province with the worst quality of life is Foggia, preceded by Caltanissetta and Naples, in 106th and 105th place respectively. The factors that have the greatest impact on the poor result are low life expectancy, the number of failing businesses, the gap in equal pay between men and women, crime levels and unemployment. The only exception is Cagliari who manages to reach 23rd place.

