Quality, customer value

Previously, the customer had an immediate purchase predisposition with very few validation channels on the organization in which he wanted to carry out a transaction process. People did not have the means for their voice to be able to generate purchase inclinations or choices over other consumers, because their circle of reference was limited, that is, it was only their circle of trust (families, friends, colleagues, among others). And it is for this reason that, faced with a good or bad experience, he could transmit it only to a limited group of people.

This change. We became netizens, people who spend more than three hours a day on social networks sharing their experiences, achievements and experiences, marking a radical change in the purchase process.

Currently, from living in a global world, the opinion of a client is transcendental. It is not only transmitted verbally but also spreads in forums, communities, opinions on Google or on Facebook itself; revealing the set of different experiences that show a positive reality about said brand, organization or company.

Our role as consumers is becoming stronger and that is why organizations must act and understand that to continue being a great offer they must take Quality as the highest value. And I am not referring to the quality of the product from its parts, but rather to the fact that quality is transversal to the producer and goes through each of the internal and external processes of the organization, from the purchase process to the after-sales service. .

Unfortunately, many organizations are suffering from “Quality Myopia” that makes them believe that quality is a cost and has no possibility of recovery, but it is exactly the other way around. Quality is what anyone looks for before carrying out any commercial action.

I will tell you with examples so that you can visualize it with me.

The leading brands in the Smartphone industry are Samsung and Apple. They are precisely the cell phones with the highest economic value on the market.

In the automotive sector, the brand is Toyota and Honda, you know very well that it is not the cheapest.

And the places most visited by tourists in the world are Dubai and London.

That is why quality prevails over price. Because in our minds, before moving forward with any product or service, that old phrase “Cheap is expensive” comes to mind.

One of the best ways to begin to understand what the customer wants and achieve a higher degree of satisfaction is to implement a quality management system based on the international standard ISO 9001:2015. Since it is the only way to ensure that each process is optimized, that the interaction with the client is improved and also have international support.

Contact information:

Lead Auditor Fernando Arrieta

Phone: 1155623080
Web: www.asepyme.com.ar
Mail: [email protected]

Instagram: @fernandoarrietaok

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fernandoarrietaok/


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