Quadarella and the conquests in the East: ‘Now I want to take back the 1500’

Simona confesses before diving into the Fukuoka World Championships starting tonight: “La Ledecky? I don’t know if she will make any missteps, for now she is uncatchable”

Simona Quadarella’s Orient is always express, even if she doesn’t like Asian cuisine (she is crazy about mother Marzia’s gricia). In South Korea, super-Simo won the world title in the 1500m and collected a fabulous silver in the 800m by severely challenging the deadly American Katie Ledecky. In Japan she climbed to the Olympic podium. In China in 2018 she was silver at the 25m World Championships. In this circumnavigation, the Roman middle-distance runner has become an authoritative witness of a national team that spans the generations. You made your debut in blue and was immediately bronze in the 1500s, the specialty that you have made yourself desired – in terms of podiums – in the last two seasons, apart from Europe. Simona shows up at the Fukuoka World Championships, starting tonight in the lane, to continue the series of medals without changing her approach, given the previous ones.
