QR codes on Uitmarkt instead of stalls: “Sad, to cry”

The opening of the cultural season at the Uitmarkt will look different this year than in previous years. Where you used to be approached at stands by comedians, theater makers and musicians, this year visitors scan QR codes to be informed about new performances.

In the labyrinth there is a QR code for each cultural institution with a photo of a show that can be scanned. When scanning the code, visitors receive more information about the performance and in some cases even a discount code.

“As a tourist I don’t come to Amsterdam for that”

market visitor

But there seems to be little interaction between the visitors and the makers. “Sad, to cry. As a tourist I don’t come to Amsterdam for that,” said a disappointed visitor who traveled two hours today to get to the Uitmarkt.

Vera Carasso, director of the Museum Association, acknowledges that visitors need interaction. Therefore, a speaker was arranged and the banners were designed interactively for children. The Street Museum had visitors spray with graffiti.

“Visitors are not yet bothered by inflation, but there are problems behind the scenes”

Vera Carasso, director of the museum association

The cultural sector already had a hard time during the corona crisis and it is not getting any better now that everything is rapidly becoming much more expensive. Carasso: “Visitors are not so bothered by inflation at the moment, because museums do not suddenly raise ticket prices and the museum card has not yet become more expensive. But behind the scenes there are indeed problems. Rising costs for housing due to the gas prices but of course also material costs.”

Sunday is the last day of the Uitmarkt. There are also performances in the evening.

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