Qbuzz has had enough of incidents: line 73 will not stop at stops in Ter Apel for three weeks

Qbuzz will not allow bus line 73 to stop at five stops in Ter Apel for three weeks from tomorrow. This was decided due to a sharp increase in the number of incidents involving asylum seekers on this line.

According to Qbuzz, things have gone wrong more often, especially in the last two weeks. In consultation with the client, public transport agency Groningen Drenthe, line 73 will not stop for three weeks at the Viaductstraat, AG Wildervanckweg, Westerstraat 100, Westerstraat 143 and Westerstraat 186 stops.

“We are looking forward to the realization of a special shelter for ‘underprivileged asylum seekers’, let Qbuzz know. “The aim is to ensure that asylum seekers with little chance of obtaining a residence permit stay in Ter Apel for a shorter time and, moreover, move into the village itself less often. This group appears to be involved in many of the incidents on line 73.”

Qbuzz regrets that the temporary measure has been taken. “We invite travelers from the Westerstraat area to board with us from the bus station in the center of Ter Apel.” After three weeks, Qbuzz will resume services at the five stops in question, unless the number of incidents remains high.

Last week, asylum seekers from Ter Apel misbehaved during a Holiday Travel bus ride in Assen. While the bus drove from Ter Apel to The Hague, the asylum seekers wreaked havoc with looting, destruction and threats.
