Qatar 2022, FIFA thinks about cameras in the locker room but … delayed because you never know …

FIFA would be thinking about introducing cameras in the locker room in Qatar, but there is no shortage of doubts. Is it right to resume the pre-match speeches? And what if something happens that it is better not to show?

In football, there is nothing more sacred than the locker room. Within those walls everything that is said and done should remain a secret, shared only by the coach, his staff and the players. This is why many are furious when what happens in the locker room is reported in the newspapers. And this is also why documentaries dealing with football teams always make access to the sacred rooms a condition. There, moreover, we prepare for important matches, discuss heavy defeats or celebrate unexpected victories and therefore everyone wants to know what is happening inside. So, you understand why FIFA is thinking about introducing cameras in the locker room in Qatar.

The indiscretion launches it RMCSport, explaining that the international federation is evaluating the possibility of installing cameras, to capture important moments. The idea would be to immortalize the pre-match speeches, but it is difficult for the coaches to agree, given that there is a risk of … spoiling the plan for the match in favor of the camera. It is therefore more likely that we are talking about a locker-room room, without audio, which resumes in an almost religious silence the moments before the players entered the field. Not exactly the dream of every curiosone, but in any case something that would still represent a novelty at the World Cup level. And it would not create too much friction with the insiders.

In any case, explains RMC Sport, given the unpredictability of the situations inside the changing rooms, it is very likely that the footage will not be sent live, but at least in a slight delay. Prudence is never too much, so it is better to keep the handful of seconds available that can allow the real-time editing of situations that it is better not to show or to listen to (and any reference to foul language and / or accidental nudity of the players is not not at all casual). Therefore, it is better that the squad for Qatar 2022 begin to prepare. And if they hoped that at least inside the locker rooms their privacy would be spared, the stars of the upcoming world championship had definitely misunderstood …
