PVDA reaches out to Vooruit for elections: “Stop following the right and look to the left” | Abroad

The far-left party PVDA hopes to be able to reach out to Vooruit before the 2024 elections. Chairman Raoul Hedebouw said this today in ‘De Ochtend’ on Radio 1. “I don’t understand Conner Rousseau’s strategy. It is common knowledge that he wants a coalition with N-VA,” said the party chairman.

PVDA released the news this week that ordinary members of parliament were also circumventing the pension ceiling and that, according to a report in 2013, all parties consciously agreed to this. This probably did not make the party popular, but there will be elections next year. What are PVDA’s ambitions? “We have to break through completely, and that also means being able to take responsibility and implement policy, and for that we need partners,” says Hedebouw.

The party therefore reaches out to the left-wing parties, such as Vooruit. He says he does not understand the strategy of chairman Conner Rousseau, “who has been chasing Bart De Wever’s N-VA for two years now”. “It is common knowledge that De Wever and Rousseau want to form a coalition in 2024.” Hedebouw refers to Antwerp, where, according to him, the two parties pursue a right-wing policy together, and contrasts it with the Zelzaat model, where Vooruit and PVDA form a “future alliance”. “I want to engage with Conner, see how we can make positive changes in 2024.”

READ ALSO: A secret marriage between N-VA and Vooruit? Demir: You wanted to shut down nuclear power plants. And I was the saboteur!” Rousseau: “You are still a saboteur!”

Groen, which according to PVDA practices “climate elitism”, seems to be a more difficult partner. “It will be easier with Vooruit to find agreements on a socio-economic level,” says Hedebouw. He calls it a problem that the socialists also support right-wing proposals such as the wage freeze. The wealth tax that PVDA wants to introduce, and will use it strongly in the run-up to Labor Day, will not come about with the N-VA. “I say to Vooruit: stop voting for those right-wing measures and look more to the left.”

“The problem with the PS”

And what about the French-speaking socialists? “The problem with the PS is that it is a very arrogant party and we cannot hide the fact that a dialogue between PS and PVDA is difficult,” says Hedebouw. “Paul Magnette still thinks he will be able to do it himself with the MR and Les Engagés, but I do think that in 2024 I can discuss with PS about preserving the land. The PS is already looking at how they will go along with a split in the country with the N-VA.”

Find coalition partners

Hedebouw also says it is realistic that it will be difficult to manage at a regional and federal level, but that it is possible at a local level. “There we can develop power relations to end up in coalitions.” In addition to Zelzate, Hedebouw is looking at Charleroi, Herstal, Seraing and Sint-Gillis, for example, “but of course we have to find a coalition partner”.

What about the cordon against PVDA? There is not, according to Hedebouw. “We are in a coalition with Vooruit and Groen, PS and Ecolo say they like to govern with us.”

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