PvdA MP Van Dijk resigns after reports of undesirable behavior

PvdA MP Van Dijk resigns after reports of undesirable behavior

PvdA MP Gijs van Dijk resigns because of several reports of “undesirable behavior in the private sphere”. The PvdA reports this in a statement.

An “independent, external investigation” is being opened, the party said. “Due to these reports, Gijs van Dijk has decided to step down as a member of parliament and to make his seat available.”

“In my personal life I have not always been honest in the relational sphere. If that has hurt people, I would like to offer my sincere apologies,” Van Dijk said in the statement. “In order to give the required independent investigation space and not to get in the way of the party, I am withdrawing from my political position.”

For many years Van Dijk spoke on Social Affairs, an important theme for the PvdA. Among other things, he worked on a law to give employees the right to be unreachable for their employers outside working hours.

It is not known who will take Van Dijk’s seat in the House of Representatives. The next candidate on the PvdA list is Zaandam alderman Songül Mutluer.


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