PvdA: minimum wage to 14 euros in exchange for budget support | Politics

If the cabinet wants support for the budget from the PvdA in the Senate, something will have to be done about inequality in the Netherlands. The brand new PvdA leader Attje Kuiken told WNL on Sunday that she will insist on a higher minimum wage of 14 euros and tackling sham constructions, so that more people can get a permanent contract.

According to Kuiken, ‘a number of things must be fundamentally different’ in the Netherlands. ,,Next week we will talk to Sigrid Kaag and Mark Rutte, then we will see how seriously they take it. Then we’ll see what they are willing to do.” To pay for the extra expenses, the PvdA looks to the wealthy. “They can contribute more.”

Kuiken was also asked about the chaos at Schiphol in recent weeks. Bad employment practices and a lack of appreciation for certain groups of employees there, such as the baggage handlers, are the root of the problems, she says. She said she spoke on Friday with Schiphol boss and PvdA leader Dick Benschop.

,,I have discussed very clearly what I think is necessary”, says Kuiken. According to her, Benschop agreed with many of her points. “Higher wages, more permanent work, investment in people and training are needed. That has not happened in recent years.” Kuiken also sees a role for the cabinet in this, since the government is a major shareholder in the airport.
