Putin’s brother-in-arms killed a former UFC fighter? “He’s too predictable”

Abdul-Kerim Edilov belonged to Ramzan Kadyrov’s close circle.

Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov belonging to a close circle Abdul-Kerim Edilovin31, the death was reported before the turn of the year.

Edilov, who advanced to important positions in the Chechen administration, was not seen in public for a long time before his death, which has still not been officially confirmed.

British newspaper Guardian presents in his storythat Kadyrov himself was most likely behind the mysterious death of the man who won the freestyle match.

The founder of Vayfond, a Chechen human rights organization of Swedish background Mansur Sadulayev according to the theory must be taken into account, because Kadyrov has remained silent about the fate of his former confidant.

– Of course we believe that Kadyrov or someone on his orders killed Edilov. We believe so, because if Edilov had died in a different way or by someone other than Kadyrov loyalists, then Kadyrov himself would have been furious and expressed his grief over Edilov’s death, Sadulayev reasoned to the Guardian.

Kadyrov, who has ruled Chechnya since 2007, has been linked to numerous human rights violations.

– We know very well how Kadyrov behaves in such situations. He is too predictable. To be honest, he does not shy away from crime, says Sadulayev.

Rapid rise to the political elite

In his youth, Edilov was a great freestyle fighter who belonged to the Akhmat MMA Fight team founded by Kadyrov. He had time to fight in the UFC once in 2017, until he was accused of doping and changed his sport to boxing.

Instead of sports, however, Edilov devoted himself to the Chechen leader. He was seen closely in the company of Kadyrov’s three teenage sons, among other things in martial arts training and Koran study lessons.

A former sports star from Kadyrov’s inner circle advanced through his chief’s staff to become the deputy prime minister of Chechnya in the fall of 2021. Last November, however, the relationship broke dramatically when the country’s government announced that Edilov had resigned “on his own initiative”.

Earlier in the fall, a Chechen dissident Tumso Abdurahmanov claimed that Edilov had been convicted of drug use and had been tortured.

the president of Russia Vladimir Putin Kadyrov, who is known as a loyal supporter and sent his troops to Ukraine, has since found another volunteer for Edilov’s “babysitter” job, who fights under the Swedish flag in the UFC Hamzat Chimayev.

Ramzan Kadyrov is suspected of being behind the death of Abdul-Kerim Edilov. PDO
