Putin: ‘peace mission’ in renegade regions of Ukraine | Abroad

This announcement comes shortly after the recognition of the two renegade regions in Ukraine. That recognition has provoked strong reactions from Western leaders.

Putin has ordered military personnel to maintain peace in the two areas. The pro-Russian separatists sitting there have been embroiled in a civil war with the Ukrainian government since 2014, which has left some 15,000 dead.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed with the leaders of the separatists in eastern Ukraine that the Russian army may establish military bases in that area. Earlier on Monday, Putin had already officially recognized the two self-proclaimed people’s republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, leading to condemnation and sanctions from many Western states.

On Tuesday, the Russian parliament will consider bills that would regulate the protection of the borders of the renegade regions by the Russian army and cooperation between the separatists and Russian military.

Tensions rose again last week after both sides accused each other of shelling. The separatist leaders evacuated some 70,000 people to Russia in a matter of days.

Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky convened the National Security Council on Monday evening over Russia’s recognition of two renegade regions in eastern Ukraine. He is expected to address the people after the consultation.

Before the meeting, Zelenski spoke with US President Joe Biden. The call lasted 35 minutes, according to the White House. No details have been disclosed about the content.
