Putin meets strong resistance from Ukrainian forces

Day Three Russian military offensive against Ukraine, and none of the big cities of the Slavic country has fallen into the hands of attackers from Russia. Visibly satisfied with the performance of the troops under his command At this start of the armed conflict, the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, has triumphantly proclaimed that the attacks on Kiev, the capital, had been repelled. From Moscow, high political leaders, such as the former president and number two of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev They insisted that the “military operations” would continue “without rest” until the achievement of the set goals by the president Vladimir Putin.

“We have endured and we are rejecting successfully the attacks of the enemy; the fighting continues”, assured the head of the Ukrainian State in a video message broadcast on a social network, after a night in which the Ukrainian officials had announced an imminent assault on Kiev. The mayor of the capital, Vitaly Klitschkohas stated that there were no Russian troops inside the Ukrainian capital, although he has admitted the presence of spoilers.

almost 200 dead

According to their data, a total of 35 people, including two children, have been injured in the fighting in the capital, where a curfew is in force until Monday morning. So far, according to Ukrainian sources, 198 civils have lost their lives and an additional thousand have been injured. “Is he opposite scenario to which Putin I expected; none of the airborne operations against Kiev or its surroundings has achieved its objectives; they also counted on Zelensky having fled the capital by now; the armored columns have even entered without fuel or provisioning”, summarizes EL PERIODICO Michael Samusex-Ukrainian soldier at the head of New Geopolitical Research Network.

On Kharkivthe great city of Russophone Ukraine, a similar scenario seemed to be happening. A statement issued by the regional authorities by Facebook has assured that “the occupying forces” had tried on several occasions to overcome the defenses of the city “without success”, suffering serious military losses and destroying “a hundred” of armored vehicles. “Our heroic soldiers they have defended the borders of Kharkiv; we have blocked all directions”, the text has reported. After being repelled “the enemy”, according to this institution, has been merciless with “the artillery” with the “social infrastructure”, hitting its projectiles in “a center of blood storage” and the “children’s regional hospital“.

Reporting military casualties, a crime in Russia

Russia, a country in which it constitutes a crime inform of military casualties that have not been officially confirmed, has not yet made public any part of the deceased in its ranks. According to official Ukrainian sources who prefer not to be identified, the Kiev government has begun negotiations with the International Committee of the Red Cross to repatriate the 3,000 corpses of Russian soldiers that, according to them, are in their possession, a figure that could not be independently confirmed.

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Moscow has reported that the town of Melitopolwith 150,000 inhabitantsa stone’s throw from the coast of sea ​​of ​​azov, was in his power. If confirmed, it would be first largest population which is seized by Russian forces. But the local authorities deny it. The military offensive is going to be reinforced “in all directions”, the Russian Defense Ministry has ordered.

As this becomes more apparent initial resilience of the Ukrainian forces before the invader, increases the appetite of the western allies to come to the aid of Kiev with new shipments of war material. Even Germany, reluctant to do so until now, has joined the group of supplying countries by sending 500 Stinger surface-to-air missiles and a thousand shuttles of anti-tank missiles. Belgium has sent 2,000 machine guns and 3,800 tons of fuelwhile the Netherlands has sent precision weapons and helmetsand had promised the delivery of 200 Stinger surface-to-air missiles. The Czech Republic, for its part, has sent 30,000 pistols, 7,000 assault rifles and 3,000 machine guns.
