“Putin is not Russia”: Navalny calls on all Russians to massive protest from prison | War Ukraine and Russia

Navalny calls on Russians, not only in Russia and Belarus but also elsewhere in the world, to protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine every weekday in the main city squares and at Russian embassies, and to do so every weekend at 14 hours to do.

“Let’s not become a nation of scared silent people. Or cowards pretending not to notice the aggressive war against Ukraine started by our clearly insane czar,” says Navalny. “Putin (the Russian president, ed.) is not Russia. If there is one thing we can be proud of in Russia, it is those 6,824 people who were arrested for occupying the streets – without any appeal – with protest signs against the war.”

The 45-year-old Navalny is considered the most important Kremlin critic. He has been imprisoned in a Russian penal camp for more than a year. The opposition leader faces another ten years in prison in a new lawsuit that was started against him earlier this month. The appeal appeared on his twitter page in Russian and English on Wednesday morning.
