Putin hopes winter and US political division will tip the balance

11/02/2022 at 11:14


Moscow hopes that the political discussions in the United States and the winter will work in its favor

Protests across the West calling for an end to the war are spreading more and more

It is a constant in the history of military conflicts: winter in Russia. Putin and Moscow hope that both the arrival of winter and the very division of politics in the United States and other countries will finally tip the scales in their favor. For months the protests and demonstrations calling for the end of the war in Ukraine have been spreading. The president of Ukraine has a worse and worse reputation and the leaks that are made about his personal life and management are increasingly frightening the citizens of other countries.

All this series of questions have caused that in different countries politics begins to divide between those who support sending more aid and those who no longer want to know anything more about Ukraine. In the United States there is already talk of dealing directly with Russia to reach some kind of ceasefire or peace.

Likewise, from Moscow it is expected that winter will make military operations go better. For two reasons, first because the Russian military is adapted to this type of extreme environment. And second because the cold in Europe will soften the population due to the lack of energy resources and high prices.
