Putin and Macron discussed the situation in Ukraine for more than an hour and a half

Macron pointed out to Putin the incompatibility of the dialogue with the escalation of tension around Ukraine

Photo: Gaelle Girbes/Getty Images

President Vladimir Putin held talks with French President Emmanuel Macron for 1 hour and 40 minutes, they discussed the situation around Ukraine. About it informs French TV channel Europe1 with reference to the Elysee Palace. The press secretary of the Russian head of state Dmitry Peskov confirmed that the conversation took place, reports Interfax.

The conversation between the presidents began at 12:30 pm Paris time (2:30 pm Moscow time).

Putin and Macron continued to discuss the conditions of stability and security in Europe, they touched on ways to move forward on the implementation of the Minsk agreements, the Elysee Palace said. Reuters. Macron also pointed out to Putin the incompatibility of the dialogue with the escalation of tension around Ukraine.

The day before, February 11, Macron accepted participation in the Quint videoconference, which was also attended by US President Joe Biden, NATO head Jens Stoltenberg, European Union President Charles Michel, German Chancellor Olaf Stolz, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other European leaders. They reaffirmed their commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine and their readiness for diplomatic negotiations in the current crisis.

Reuters learned the contents of a private conversation between Putin and Macron

Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron


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