Pursuing development: the business of knowledge

More prosperous modern societies are wiser, not because their citizens are individually brilliantbut because they commit with concrete resources to generate and harvest a diversity of knowledge and because they are capable of recombining it, creating a greater variety of products and services that impact benefits for the entire community.

It is not just about investing, but about investing intelligently and strategically and enhancing and intertwining the training, generation and application of knowledge capabilities that already exist in our country. Given the characteristics of Argentina (with overlapping and disarticulation of functions) this must be done in a coordinated manner via incentives and significant flexibility of regulations, from a transversal and empowering sector of the different organizations such as the Chief of Staff.

Innovation is not a luxury, especially if we understand its broader meaning that involves changes that have an impact on society; technological changes, the generation of new products and processes, as well as the change in attitudes, modes of action, ways of relating, and communicating.

We need, based on the knowledge and human capital that exists In our country, increase and make the productive matrix more complex, export more and be more efficient in all socioeconomic sectors. This will not only allow us to compete on the global stage, but will also make us more resilient in the face of economic crises.

We need each region to have the capacity to benefit from knowledge-based development, generating wealth and social well-being.

We can convert to the whole country, including each small city, into an engine of opportunities based on the valuable people and capabilities already invested in the most diverse corners of the territory. This will strengthen our cities, contribute to the diversification of our economy and the creation of jobs, turning the various regional realities into poles of attraction for young people to choose to stay and realize their dreams where they are born.

The opportunity is to use both the human capital that exists, and to condition the national structures to use them 24/7 and capture the investment of individuals and companies, pulling Argentine resources towards Argentina by promoting Innovative Districts: innovation nodes. For this purpose, it is necessary to promote public-private capabilities in the territory that must contain: detection and evaluation of potential technological business seeds; support for “Nacer” (Experimentation and prototyping center using SINCTI facilities 24/7; Business Clinic (business NGOs) and Training Programs matching funds (Pulling the use of “cushion” funds). This must be promoted (as happens in Israel) from an intelligent state that contributes to highlighting the wealth-generating potential that the scientific-technological system has today, with the Ministry of Economy as the enforcement authority.. Furthermore, to overcome the sole application of tax relief, and copying the actions of Israel ’84-’05 and the banking agreements of ’86 (ARGENTEC’86) andestablish the fund for the promotion of investments in industrial research and development (enlarging the capital market by promoting and facilitating investmentmaking the real opportunities known to the neighbors’ neighbors).

The challenge is to generate wealth, allowing the entire society to take part of its benefits from the formation of human capital, the generation, application and management for the use of knowledge, promoting good practices and intertwining the socio-productive sectors. and governmental so that, together, they respond to national, regional and local strategic challenges, aimed at the development of the country.

Success will be measurable not only by the classic economic return, but by the impact on the development of communities throughout Argentina. Yeah! We are capable and produce knowledge and technology with an impact on the development of our regions. This vision leads to generating the floor where our young people choose to work and live.

*María Luz Martiarena is a doctor in Physics and Director of the CONICET Patagonia Norte Scientific and Technological Center

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