Purple as the sea, third episode: plot and when it airs

Land adventures of Viola Vitale and Francesco Demir continue. The nosy reporter and the police inspector return with the third episode from Purple like the seathe series with protagonists Francesca Chillemi And Can Yaman. The new appointment is set for tonight, at about 21.45 on Channel 5.

Purple like the seathe plot of the third episode

For Viola (Francesca Chillemi) and Francesco (Can Yaman) there are new cases to work on. The inspector continues his investigation of the human trafficking. Farah (Kyshan Wilson)the girl he rescued at the port in the second episode, doesn’t seem to know much and, therefore, can’t help him.

Meanwhile, the city news is hit by another crime. This is themurder of a Palermo businessman. This time, for Viola it will not be an investigation like any other. As the knots untie, in fact, the involvement of a leading journalist from Sicilia Web Newswhich is the newspaper he works for.

Who is it about? Perhaps the formidable director Claudia Foresi (Simona Cavallari)? And in what terms is the colleague implicated in the man’s death? The effects of the investigation fall on the editorial staff, which is understandably in turmoil. Despite the agitated moments, Vitale manages to carve out some time for herself.

Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi in a scene from “Viola come il mare”. (Courtesy press office Boom PR)

Now in his life there is Raniero Sammartano (Romano Reggiani), a 25-year-old entrepreneur who has recently met, which makes her feel good. Also, he offered to help her in search for the father and, thanks to him, he discovers that his mother had been in Palermo a few years earlier.

The journalist had never known anything about this trip, but perhaps she has to start from here to find the right path, which will lead her to her father. Clues and leads aside, with Raniero next to him he is finally happy and it is perhaps the beginning of a new page. And the feelings for Francesco Demir? Have they already been set aside or will it take a little while for the spark to reignite?

In the promo, Viola recalls a saying: «In Palermo they say that truth is like the sun: it is good until it burns. For those who have suffered, the truth brings pain ». Perhaps her words refer precisely to the inspector, who confesses to her: «The truth? I am afraid, but for me it is the only way to move forward“. «But the truth frees you. All time”he replies and who knows that his advice will not be able to scratch the armor of Francesco.

“Viola like the sea”, Romano Reggiani and Francesca Chillemi in the role of Raniero Sammartano and Viola Vitale. (Courtesy press office Boom PR)

The summary of the previous episodes

The first two episodes of Purple like the sea introduced its protagonists, showing some of their character sides. As we progress, the portrait of their respective personalities will certainly be more complete. To date, it is clear that Viola Vitale and Francesco Demir are two different people, but extremely compatible.

Their difficult past and their wounds to heal mean that there is a special understanding between them. It matters little that the inspector professes to be allergic to lasting relationships. The chemistry between them is undeniable and the happy ending it is not an element to be excluded. After an initial period of ups and downs, due to Viola’s exuberance and Francesco’s reluctance, the two seem to have found a new balance.

They live in two apartments overlooking the same terrace. This means that, rather than neighbors, they are almost two roommates. The proximity also implies the removal of barriers that would otherwise prevent the establishment of a more than familiar relationship. Viola enters Francesco’s house when she likes and so does Demir. Of course, always providing adequate excuses, but the substance does not change.

In the series, Francesca Chillemi and Can Yaman play a journalist and a policeman respectively. (Courtesy press office Boom PR)

Viola and the pursuit of great love. Is Francesco the right one?

There is no shortage of risky situations, in which conviviality between neighbors could turn into irrepressible physical attraction. As well as not lackingor the sudden escapes of Viola because he struggles to resist the charm of the policeman. Despite everything, they made it clear. Francesco does not want ties, Viola dreams of great love and, at the moment, meeting seems impossible.

However, familiarity begins to scratch the idea that the journalist has made of Francis. Maybe it’s not as inscrutable as you think, maybe behind the cuirass hides a wounded man, who needs to find trust in the other and in the neighbor. She let herself be clouded by prejudice, perhaps wrongly. In her life, however, she is about to enter a man who could change the cards on the table and give her happiness who seeks. And here comes the handsome Raniero.

