Purple as the sea, last episode: the previews of the finale

Llast episode of Purple like the sea, at 21.45 on Channel 5, promises twists and turns. What happens between Viola and Francesco? Do they finally understand that they are in love with each other?

Purple like the seathe plot of the last episode

The life of Viola Vitale (Chillemi) is at an important crossroads. After finding his father, he has to deal with harsh reality. Man has embarked on the path of the priesthood. Today he is called Don Andrea and does not want to keep any contact with her daughter. In the promo that anticipates the last episode, the reporter says: «Why don’t you want to talk to me? What’s wrong with me? ‘

Moreover, when she met him, she felt a feeling of repulsion, “a very strong repulsion”, she confides to Tamara (Chiara Tron). The suffering is so great that one hopes not to feel people’s emotions anymore. “It hurts too much,” she says. And he decides to hire gods drugs to block synaesthesia.

Meanwhile, the working life continues with the case of a man who is looking for his daughter Dalila, who has apparently disappeared into thin air. A singular circumstance that, perhaps, could have something to do with the death of Farah (Kyshan Wilson). Francesco Demir (Can Yaman) he wants to see clearly and carries on his search for the truth.

Francesca Chillemi and Can Yaman in “Viola come il mare”.

Viola decides to leave Palermo

Watch carefully and start to suspect di a molewhich acts with the aim of block the investigation into human trafficking. Discovers that the infiltrator is hiding in the prosecutor’s office and it is certain that someone wants to screw him. “Time goes by and I can’t find the truth,” he says. The girl’s disappearance has destroyed him psychologicallyhas a lot of guilt and is in a hurry to get justice, whatever the cost.

Both Francesco and Viola therefore face a difficult period, with the difference that the journalist, at a certain point, collapses. She came to Palermo to look for her father whom she never knew and, instead, she started laying the foundations for a new life. Especially the professional one. She is an intuitive reporter and workaholicwhich collects satisfactions, but now risks losing its center of gravity.

The disappointment in the private sector leads her to to leave that city in which he had placed great expectations. “Now I have no reason to stay here, I wanted to resign”inform the director Claudia Forensi (Simona Cavallari). He also talks about it with Tamara, to whom she confides that she wants to return to Paris. However, her friend doesn’t take it well. “You can’t do it,” she reminds her, “you can’t do it for me.”

The ending of Purple like the sea

To add tension, an important clash with Francesco. Their relationship is getting closer and closer, but Viola has to think about herself. And when the chief inspector and almost roommate confesses that he needs her, he replies: “I can’t help you, I’m sorry”. A step back that causes the first strong reaction of the man: “The truth is that you are just an egoist like everyone else”.

Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi. (Courtesy press office Boom PR)

The matter gets complicated, because at a certain point traces of Viola are lost. Tamara asks Demir for help. She informs him that she has disappeared and is not answering the phone. “I’ve never seen her so on the ground. I’m afraid he might do something stupidHe confides. Then, she gives him an assist expected from several episodes: “You didn’t understand anything about her.”

Francesco does not give up and promises to find her again, even “at the cost of looking for her house by house”. On the final, the promo of the last episode shows Viola tied to a chair in an apparently abandoned place. Maybe she didn’t go out of her own way and she got into a bad mess.

Do Viola and Francesco fall in love?

Despite Vitale’s disappearance and Demir’s investigation, the answer to which the series must answer is another. Do Viola and Francesco fall in love? The understanding between the journalist and the inspector has always been palpable.

To curb the birth of a love story, lto fear of man, still struggling with his own wounds to heal. Viola, for her part, could also give him a chance, but as long as it is almost a promise of eternal love. Therefore the two have always kept their distance, albeit with some difficulty.

So comes the happy ending? Maybe. Probably yes, just to repay the public’s expectation. It should be remembered that the series has already been confirmed for a second season and it is reasonable to assume that the adventures between the two do not end there.

