Puma joins climate initiative Zero100

Sporting goods manufacturer Puma has joined Zero100, a community of industry leaders aiming to reduce carbon emissions in the supply chain through digitization.

Last year, the company announced a significant reduction in its carbon emissions, by 88 percent between 2017 and 2021 and by 12 percent in its supply chain and with strongly growing operations, respectively. The company is thus well on the way to achieving its climate goals, according to Puma in a statement.

Achieving global climate goals and reducing CO2 emissions along supply chains requires more industry collaboration, Puma says, which is why it has joined Zero100. With reports, events, content and contacts, Zero100 helps its members accelerate their progress in this direction.

“Fighting climate change while striving to make our supply chain more flexible and responsive to changing customer needs is not something one company can do alone,” confirms Anne-Laure Descours, Puma’s Chief Sourcing Officer, in the message.

Achieve global climate goals together

“By partnering with like-minded companies, we can scale and accelerate our collective positive impact and live up to our mission of always being better,” adds Descours.

The board of directors of the organization, which was founded in 2021 by executives from SCM World, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Deloitte and Amazon (formerly), also includes executives from the apparel and related industries such as New Balance’s Dave Wheeler, Estee Lauder’s Roberto Canevari , Wei Gao from Asos and Venkatesh Alagirisamy from Nike.

“At Zero100, we are committed to supporting supply chain transformation that enables both business success and the long-term protection of critical assets. Innovating for fairer and more flexible supply chains is a challenge that, if mastered, will have a positive impact on a global scale,” comments Zero100 CEO Olly Sloboda.

“By collaborating and learning from industry peers, we can all get there faster. We look forward to working with Puma to help the company scale and accelerate its positive impact,” added Sloboda.
