Pulisic: “Milan is the right step for my career”

The US international: “I chose this club after talking to Giroud, Tomori and Loftus-Cheek. It’s easy to play with strong players: Olivier is always in the right place to score, Leao we all know what he can do. It’s a good attack”

Mark Pasotto

The shirts (sold) are good for the finances, the goals (scored) however are good for the standings. Mister America? Well, in the meantime you can start calling him Mister Milanello, because Christian Pulisic has already taken the Devil on his shoulders. Thanks to his talent, obviously, but also to the fact that the captain of the US national team was among the first new signings to make himself available to Pioli. In time to go on tour in his United States, but above all in time to begin to assimilate the deliveries imagined for him by the coach.


Surprise, however, would be excessive. Partly because Christian’s qualities, however fickle, have been known for years. And partly because he had already shown decidedly comforting signals in the pre-season tests. At Dall’Ara he exhibited his complete repertoire. Goals and construction. Dribbling and technique. Speed ​​and search for spaces. But above all: right and left used with the same ease. With his left foot he designed a perfect cross for Reijnders to hook up, who then sent Giroud to score. With his right foot he shot the arrow that passed Skorupski after a sumptuous exchange with Giroud. And pay attention to the cross for the first goal: a change of play from right to left which he managed twice more and sent Milan always close to the net. Offensive situation evidently tested for a long time in training and very well assimilated.


Pulisic celebrates his debut in our league with a goal and it’s news, because in 2023 Christian had only scored for the national team. In fact, the last goal in the league dates back to almost a year ago: 8 October 2022, Chelsea-Wolverhampton. After that, a long downward spiral weighed down by physical problems and an increasingly small playing time. Pulisic who scores and invents confirms the juiciest news of Milan 2023-24. That is, a team that is now no longer Leao-centric in front, but completely unpredictable. For now Pulisic is clearing tires on the right, in the future it’s easy to imagine that we will also see him in the center of the trocar, in that 4-2-3-1 that will not be completely shelved and that Christian seems to be eagerly awaiting. “For now I have often played on the right, but we have also studied other positions with the coach. There is an open dialogue on what my position will be on the pitch, there will certainly also be an opportunity to play as an attacking midfielder”, he said a few days ago .

the words

This time however there are, rightly so, fewer reflections and more celebration: “A fantastic start, I’m really happy to be part of this team – he said after the match -. We were good at scoring the first two goals straight away because the match was difficult and obviously I’m happy to have scored. I chose Milan by talking to Giroud, Tomori, Loftus-Cheek… As you can see there is understanding, Giroud gave me a great assist. Being here is the right step for my career. It’s easy play with strong players. Giroud is always in the right place to score, Leao we all know what he can do, it’s really dangerous. It’s a good attack. What is my personal goal? We want to compete on all fronts, personally I want to continue to score goals and help the team win titles.”
