Puigdemont gets on the boat

Carles Puigdemont has gotten on the boat. We are facing an agreement that goes beyond investing Pedro Sánchez as president of the Spanish government. The commitment requires flanking the socialist leader for the next four years. A journey begins that is not going to be easy. And not only because of the obvious and in some aspects radical differences between socialists and independentists, but also because the right and the extreme right are preparing to unleash a storm of such magnitude that it will sink the ship with a crash.

The agreement was precipitated on Thursday. On two previous occasions what seemed to be done ended up falling apart, but this time the pact did materialize, signed in Brussels by Santos Cerdán, for the PSOE, and Jordi Turull, by Junts per Catalunya. If a few days ago the public display of the agreement between the Socialists and ERC irritated Junts and caused the negotiations to slow down, now it seems to have been the fierce pressure from the right and the extreme right the one that precipitated the handshake. On Tuesday night, ultra violence took over the demonstration in front of the PSOE headquarters on Ferraz Street in Madrid. On Wednesday the negotiators were perfectly clear that the agreement had to be closed now. On Thursday he presented himself publicly.

The PP contemplates between astonished and furious how Sánchez manages to survive once again. The popular people have not cared about setting fire to the streets, nor using the institutions they control and related groups, even at the cost of putting coexistence at risk. The right – political, media, judicial, etc. – has worked hard in its offensive to precipitate new elections that would give Feijóo a second chance. Aznar launched the call: “He who can do, let him do; Whoever can contribute, let him contribute; “He who can move, let him move.” Feijóo – once supposedly moderate, supposedly reformist – obeyed like another vassal and became the first of the agitators. His delay in appearing publicly and the ambiguous, reticent and equivocal way of condemning the ultra violence in Madrid force us to seriously doubt his character and solvency as its leader.

There will be time to break down the agreement and also to analyze the text of the amnesty law. What is clear is that Puigdemont is not going to charge in advance, but in installments. In practice, almost all the agreed elements can be breached by the PSOE. It is for this reason that Junts could not just watch the ship sail, but had to get on. The independentists, if they want what was signed to be fulfilled, or to be fulfilled in a reasonable proportion, They must remain on the bridge with Sánchez. What’s more, to protect what was negotiated, it is evident that it is in his interest that the ship stay afloat for as many miles as possible, that is, beyond one legislature. Puigdemont’s move is not a “historical commitment”, but rather an investment in the future. The longer the PP takes to return to Moncloa, the more difficult it will be for it to dismantle what the PSOE has done with Sumar and the independentistas.

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When Puigdemont agreed to the Congress table he took a first step. After negotiating and agreeing on the investiture with Sánchez, there is no turning back. The signatures side by side of Cerdán and Turull also initial the end of the ‘procés’. The independentists related to pujolism They leave behind the permanent confrontation and finally give, through action, the change of direction that Junqueras and his people carried out years ago. From now on, both Tyrians and Trojans, Capulets and Montagues, will fight with the same weapons and on the same cumbersome terrain. It does not seem sensible to think, however, that they are going to coordinate and cooperate in Madrid, as they have not done, quite the opposite, during the agonizing negotiations just concluded.

What are PP, Vox and all the appendixes going to do? Absolutely nothing indicates that they are going to stop their attack, quite the opposite. The right decided long ago that it had to not only defeat, but also destroy Sánchez and his “illegitimate” government. This has caused, and is causing, a deep political division in Spain. A very stuffy environment, where it is difficult to breathe. Two fronts, two blocks, two irreconcilable visions have been consolidated, almost petrified. The fight is and at least for a while it will continue to be wild and merciless. The polarizing dynamic is going to bring the PP and Vox even closer. And it will also help Captain Sánchez keep Puigdemont and Junts on board.
