Puig says in Madrid that Ayuso “wants to dismantle the welfare state”

06/14/2022 at 22:25


The president of the Valencian Generalitat presents himself as the opposite of the Madrid president and points out that his commitment is for a “powerful social state”

If on Friday it was Isabel Díaz Ayuso who visited València and advised the Generalitat to opt for a model similar to the one she carries out from Puerta del Sol, this Tuesday has been Ximo Puig the one who delved into this difference between the two from the state capital, “a different model in politics”, in which one represents “the commitment to a powerful social State” against the “dismantling of the welfare state” which is, for Puig, the path of the president of the Community of Madrid.

For the elaboration of any story, whether fictional or political, the protagonist of the story must always be accompanied by a rival, someone who is defined as the opposite. Y Ximo Puig has found his nemesis in Isabel Díaz Ayuso, a person on whom it appears reflected as opposed to what it represents. In the face of centralism and “the dismantling of the welfare state” that, says Puig, the Madrid leader represents, he and her government in the Generalitat are “the commitment to a powerful social state”.

“We do not come to give lessons to anyone, as we do not like to receive lessons from anyone,” he proclaimed Puig from the Senate when asked if Ayuso had answered the offer made by the Valencian president to participate in some act of the month of the Valencian Community in Madrid. Puig has gathered the Valencian senators and deputies in Madrid, from where he explained that he is not aware that Ayuso has responded to his offer and has wanted to “make it very clear” that the Valencian Community and Madrid “have many issues in common”.

However, he insists that, while the Valencian executive “is committed to dialogue”, that of Isabel Díaz Ayuso “they have the path of dismantling the Welfare State”. “But beyond the political differences that exist, what we want is to add, because it is about adding, that each Community does not think only of its region, but empathizes and has a more federal vision”, he added.

The reflection of both as “different political models” is not new between Puig and Ayuso, their clashes have been common in recent months, especially since Ayuso has become the PP’s reference as a battering ram against Pedro Sánchez. Both have established themselves as the main territorial leaders with almost antagonistic political postulates on key issues from the pandemic (when measures had to be taken regarding levels of social interaction) to decentralization or taxes.

Bring together senators and deputies

The Valencian president, who is having an important agenda this month in the Community of Madrid, has chosen the Senate to bring together the Valencian deputies and senators with the aim of “analyzing relations between the central government and that of the Community”. In this context, Puig has highlighted that the majority territorial group of senators and deputies is Valencian, for which he intends it to be a “transmission belt” to talk about the reform of the regional financing modelwater and employment.
