Publisher | Noise in Barcelona

The problem of noise in Barcelona comes from afar and represents one of the most conflictive points in citizen coexistence. It is also an issue that affects the health of the population. According to Barcelona Public Health Agency, 16% of Barcelonans suffer from intense discomfort related to noise (especially from traffic but also from nightlife), and 5% suffer from a serious disorder that can severely affect their health. After the unexpected break caused by the pandemic, in the summer of last year, the first in which restrictions were relaxed, a demonstration of neighbors of Barceloneta and Casc Antic to protest hygienic conditions and noise in their neighborhoods. Now, the claim is intensifying with another citizen’s march, called for today and organized by the Xarxa Veïnal Against Soroll, that brings together different groups. The neighbors complain, to different degrees and depending on the area, both about the terraces and music bars (in streets such as Enric Granados, Joaquim Costa or Plaza de Osca, with a monoculture of restaurants), as well as about the activity of the ‘skaters’ in the Raval, the pedicabs or the bottles in the Barceloneta. The claim of the right to rest is unanimous in all of them, but the heterogeneity of cases requires a different attention according to each situation. It is not the same, for example, to demand a more forceful action against uncivic or unauthorized actions, such as large bottles, than to seek the closure of entertainment venues that comply with all regulations and have authorization to carry out their activity in accordance with the law. .

Barcelona City Council has the duty to reconcile the competing interests that may occur between neighbors and restorers. The latter also have their claims, they cling to the pact on night hours and the need to maintain the terraces that were installed or expanded during the pandemic, and they regret that the council does not take into account their economic activity. Blaming these venues for all the inconveniences generated by nightlife is a generalization that harms them and does not take into account many other uncivil actions that occur outside bars and terraces. On the other hand, it would be necessary to assess the risk that a reduction in the legal activity of these premises would be transferred (as we already saw during the restrictions due to the pandemic) into crowds in the street without any type of control.

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The consistory approved in May the specification of the plan of measures against noise pollution with the purpose of applying “microsurgeries” to reduce noise and has now made the commitment to influence calls stressed areas, with the monitoring of 11 study points, starting with the installation of sound level meters. Diagnosing the problem is a good starting point to find solutions tailored to each area. Although there is no need to wait for the results of this study, They could start by reinforcing the actions against incivility in the places with the highest night-time crowds.

Both the high percentage of affected citizens and the criteria relating to personal and environmental healthshould lead to actions that combine, and more so in a summer period that is expected to be highly crowded, the business related to tourism and the well-deserved rest of the neighbors.
