Public website about proposed new pension rules | News item

News item | 25-08-2022 | 12:00

From Thursday 25 August, Dutch people can find general information on the proposed new pension rules on the website If the House of Representatives and the Senate agree, these rules are expected to come into effect on 1 January 2023. The Future Pensions Act is an elaboration of a broad package of agreements between the government and the social partners from 2019.

The change in the rules for pensions is relevant to the income for the old age of millions of Dutch people. On the website it is simply explained what a pension is, why the pension system is changing, what remains the same and what is changing. Each main topic contains a short general explanation, an animation and answers to frequently asked questions. In addition, there is a practical overview of what people can do now about their income for later.

Stan Kaatee is Director-General for Employment at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment and emphasizes the need for these changes and the importance of providing clear information about the proposed pension rules in good time.

“Thanks to the new rules for pension via the employer, you will soon be able to see more clearly what you are investing and accruing. If the economy is doing well, the pension through your employer sometimes does not increase. That feels unfair. The pension will soon be able to move more along with the economy. In addition, people increasingly change jobs, stop working for a while or start their own business. The current pension rules do not fit in well with this. We are also tackling this with the Future Pensions Act.”

Communication tools for professionals

In addition to this website, a set of communication tools is available especially for professionals via the website The toolkit provides information about the definition of a pension, the reason for the new pension rules, what will change and what will remain. Different resources are available per subject to inform people, such as fact sheets, animations, articles and infographics. Organizations can use these in communication to employees such as newsletters, presentations or magazines.

All resources have been developed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment in collaboration with trade unions, employers’ organisations, pension providers and the Reading and Writing Foundation. The goal is that people can find clear and understandable information about what is going to change. The Future Pensions Act is still being discussed. In September, the House of Representatives will consider the proposed amendment to the law. The new rules for pensions can therefore still change.
