Public rush in Pori! Narukerä celebrates the Finnish championship

A new attendance record was set at Pori’s artificial ice rink.

Narukerä took the second SM gold in its history. Elmeri Elo / AOP

Narukerä of Pori is the Finnish champion of the Bandyliiga iceball.

In the championship match, the team defeated Mikkeli Kampparit with 7–3 goals.

The championship is the second in the history of the club for the people of Pori. The previous SM gold came in 1999.

In the championship match played on the artificial ice rink in Pori, Narukerä set a new audience record: 2,367 spectators.

Mightily according to the ice rink, special arrangements had to be made on Saturday, so that everyone who wanted to could watch the evening’s thrilling show.

On the side of the field, extra snowbank bleachers were quickly piled up, where the ice ball crowd could stand.

The Pori audience arrived in droves. Elmeri Elo / AOP

Ville Aaltonen (22) rejoiced at the championship. Elmeri Elo / AOP
