Public Prosecutor East Flanders starts investigation into earlier complaint against Rousseau | Interior

Last Thursday, a man in his twenties filed a complaint against Conner Rousseau (30) with the Antwerp public prosecutor’s office. According to his lawyer, the young man was the victim of sex crimes. But because there is no link with Antwerp, the Antwerp public prosecutor’s office forwarded the complaint to East Flanders. And there it is announced today that the public prosecutor’s office has actually opened an investigation. This will have to show whether the Vooruit chairman has actually committed criminal offenses or not.

Last Thursday, the lawyers of the young man delivered a letter of complaint – a letter – to the Antwerp prosecutor in which it was stated how the man would be the victim of sex crimes. According to his lawyer, Manon Cop, the young man had come to realize that these were serious facts and that he had to file a formal complaint. The facts would have occurred during a friendship that went wrong.

The Antwerp public prosecutor’s office then announced that it would “read and analyze” the letter. That has happened in the meantime, but the public prosecutor’s office decided that the file had to be transferred to the public prosecutor’s office of East Flanders, “due to no link to Antwerp as far as persons and facts are concerned”.


The public prosecutor of East Flanders confirms that the file has indeed been transferred for “reasons of competence” and that the public prosecutor’s office has officially started an investigation. “That is an investigation that has been started at the level of the public prosecutor’s office,” says press magistrate Annelies Verstraete to our editorial office. This means that for the time being no investigating judge will be requested, but that the public prosecutor will lead the investigation itself. For the time being, the public prosecutor’s office cannot provide any further explanation in the interest of the investigation. The young man and Rousseau are soon invited for an interrogation.

Manon Cop, the young man’s lawyer, responds briefly to our editors: “We are confident that the court will conduct the investigation properly. Otherwise, we do not wish to comment.” Neither Vooruit chairman Conner Rousseau nor the party itself wish to respond.

A few weeks ago, a report was also made against Rousseau at the Antwerp public prosecutor’s office. That report was about a concerned mother who was concerned about messages her 17-year-old son had exchanged with Rousseau. That investigation is still ongoing and it is being investigated whether it concerns criminal offenses. The public prosecutor of West Flanders also investigated a report against Rousseau, but that file was recently dismissed.

When asked for a response, Vooruit does not wish to communicate about the matter.

LOOK. Conner Rousseau responds to rumors for the first time since coming-out video: “Zever in pakskes”

5 questions to Carl Devos: “If there is not only smoke but also fire, that is a big problem for Vooruit, because Conner Rousseau is the party” (+)
