Public order offices are stepping up action against illegal garbage for a week

On the Monday morning after the Carnival of Cultures: lots of rubbish in Hasenheide

On the Monday morning after the Carnival of Cultures: a lot of rubbish in the Hasenheide Photo: Spreepicture

From BZ/dpa

From Monday onwards, Berlin’s regulatory authorities want to take action against illegal garbage and dirt, for example from dog poop, for a week.

“The aim of the joint priority campaign is to promote and consolidate compliant behavior and thus contribute to the cleanliness of public space in Berlin,” said the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district office on the joint control priority.

According to the announcement, the regulatory offices want to check both civilian and service clothing. It is planned to pay particular attention to crop pollution, dog poo left behind, road pollution and waste disposal outside of disposal facilities.

According to the announcement, citizens still frequently complain about rubbish in public spaces via the online regulatory agency portal. It’s about discarded cigarette butts, leftover food, disposable packaging, plastic waste, bottle caps, chewing gum or dog excrement.

“All of these objects thrown away in large quantities deface public space beyond their environmentally harmful effect,” it said. In addition, it is also about systematic or organized large dumping of waste, i.e. serious violations of environmental law.


Currently garbage in Berlin regulatory office
