Public opinion on Gordon completely tilted: ‘Three reasons’

One eight-page interview and public opinion of Gordon has flipped 180 degrees. How did his ex-fiancé Gavin Rozario pull this off? “There are three reasons for that.”


Gordon did not know what hit him until a week and a half ago: despite the fact that he is known as one of the least popular artists in the country, people sympathized en masse after his last breakup. That Australian guy he dated? That was a gold digger! At least, that’s what people thought at first. And that suited ‘Goor’ very well.

Effective interview

However, public opinion about Gordon completely turned around last Wednesday, when the Privé published an eight-page interview with the lad in question. Gavin Rozario gave such an honest, respectful, yet revealing story that most of the sympathy now goes to him. Because how on earth did he last three months?

Communication expert Victor Vlam finds it incredibly interesting, he says in the podcast The Communicados. “We often talk about it: when is an interview effective? And if you have one interview that has completely changed the perception, then it is this interview.”

Three factors

Gavin’s in no time gone from golddigger to “victim of all Gordon’s whims,” ​​according to Victor. He thinks there are three reasons for this. “First, the fact that he really didn’t spare himself either. (…) Then people will also see that you are right. For example, he indicated that they had not met in a casino, as Gordon said, but through Grindr.”

He continues: “Yes, that is of course something less fun to tell, not even for him. But it does indicate: I’m willing to be honest. (…) So those kinds of details are exposed. Also Gordon’s violent mood swings. Yes, it really comes across as a man who has high peaks, but also deep valleys.”

Perfect timing

It was also the perfect timing, says Victor. “Being directly on top of the news ensures that you can really influence the image at an early stage. So the timing was perfect.”

And the third reason? “The last thing – which I think is the most fundamental – is that he chose not to let himself be paid. That’s what gossip magazines do, Evert Santegoeds also said that, but it didn’t happen in this case. (…) If that is the case, it is a bit painful.”

Five thousand euros

Getting paid by Private is not good for your credibility, says Victor. “Then people start to wonder: all those high-profile details, are they really correct? Or are you just saying that because it increases the market value of the interview? So you always have that appearance. It hurts your credibility.”

How much has Gavin lost? Victor asked Evert, but he wouldn’t say. “But what I’ve heard is that 5,000 euros is a common amount for these kinds of big stories. (…) So this Gavin, who is not exceptionally rich of course, could have received 5,000 euros for this.”

But, Victor concludes: “It is wise that he did not.”
