Public hearings of the Groningen parliamentary inquiry at the end of June | Inland

The investigation by the House of Representatives must reveal how gas extraction came about. The Committee is also investigating the claims handling and reinforcement operation. It also examines how the various interests have been weighed up against each other.

Gas extraction in Groningen has brought a lot of prosperity in recent decades, but little attention was paid to the damage caused by the extraction. The intention is that gas extraction from the Groningen field will come to an end this year.

To give evidence

The committee of inquiry chaired by Tom van der Lee (GroenLinks) has been working since February last year. In addition to research into documents, witnesses and experts were also heard behind closed doors in the first quarter of this year. The report should be ready early next year.

Later this month, the committee will pay a working visit to the province of Groningen. She then speaks with spiritual care providers, victims and gas companies, among others. Many victims complain about the slow reinforcement of the houses and buildings.
