Public health is not doing well: 2 years for a mammogram

No.It does not give you much peace of mind to read the “Civic health report. Citizens’ rights and federalism in health care ”presented by Active citizenship on the problems of access to health services.

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Public health is not healthy

Why when you read that more than one in ten citizens was forced to give up treatmentduring 2021. That waiting times for screening have lengthened and you can wait up to two years for a mammogramabout a year for an ultrasound, a CT scan or orthopedic surgery.

That cancer exams are overdue in more than half of the regional territories and coverage is falling for ordinary vaccines, di sure the idea of ​​needing public health is quite agitated.

public health

The legacy of the pandemic

It is the legacy of the pandemic, says the report presented by the association that, like every year, it takes stock of the state of the services. Everything is based on reports arrived to the PiT Salute service and at 330 territorial sections of the Court for the rights of the patient. The protesters were citizens who had problems, in all 13,748 people.

As observed by Cittadinanzattiva, in the period of the pandemic it was necessary to deal with health care focused on the emergency. But this it forced people to “give up” prevention programs and access to ordinary care. And so that even today the long waits that are created are due to the need to recover millions of performances.

Healthcare closer to citizens

Also according to the report, the pandemic has highlighted certain priorities for intervention, first of all that relating to reorganization of territorial assistance, object of reform with the NRP and of heated debate. This will mean carefully evaluating the different contexts, so as to identify services that are more accessible and closer to citizens and focusing a lot on domicile as a privileged place for treatment.

Public health: the endless lists for an exam

The main problems that emerge from the report are precisely those concerning the booking of diagnostic tests: the very long waiting times for access represent 71.2% of the reportswhile 53.1% relate to surgical interventions and diagnostic tests.

In 51% they concern checkups is in the 46.9% the first specialist visits. Therefore, the waiting lists for rehabilitation (32.7%), for hospitalizations (30.6%) and those to activate home care-ADI (26.5%) and home rehabilitation assistance ( 24.4%).

Latest, by number of reports received, issues relating to relations with health workers and humanization (3.8%) and drugs (1.1%).

