Psychic disorders in boys: who takes care of them?

S.beaten up, suddenly forgotten, out of place. That’s how they feel boys with mental disorders when, at the age of 18, they begin to escape the radar of the school and of the services dedicated to childhood and adolescence. Few funds have been allocatedeven less the specialized structures for those who are now too big for childhood neuropsychiatry, but have much more complex needs, potentialities and problems compared to older chronics, who have already found a balance, even if not always satisfactory.

“Mental”: the new series on RaiPlay on the theme of psychic disorder among adolescents

Teens with mental disorders: who cares for them?

Thus, for young people in their twenties with severe mental disorders, such as suicidal thoughts, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder or schizophrenia the void opens up. There is no link between services In Italy, as in other countries, there is no consolidated protocol to accompany girls and boys from Uonpia (Neuropsychiatry and Childhood Adolescent Psychology Operating Unit) to the Departments of Mental Health for Adults (Dsm).

According to a European study, called Milestone, coordinated by Giovanni de Girolamo, psychiatrist of Irccs Fatebenefratelli of Brescia, only one patient out of nine, among those who at 17 and a half years are being treated at the Uonpia, passes to the DSM. Of the others, some remain attached for a while to their old center, then all eight are lost track. And most likely they stop treatment.

Few funds and few structures and so for the twenty-year-olds with severe mental disorders only the void opens up

Unexpressed needs

«They are there for all to see the many needs not met by the world that deals with mental health, due to lack of funds and shortage of specialized personnel »observes Francesca Moccia, deputy general secretary of Cittadinanzattiva. “But there is also the submerged continent of the gods unexpressed needs of sick young peoplefor which it is often impossible to express the desire to have friends, play sports, cultivate their interests “.

Some isolate themselves, out of fear of being misjudged, alienated or of becoming the object of pietism. Others are marginalized by those around them. The result is identical: their lives run aground in a suspended, fossil present.

The disorientation of family members

In this pneumatic vacuum families are also dragged, exhausted by the effort of care and shaken by the inextricable knot of pain and loneliness. “Mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers feel they have to do something, but they don’t know what and how” says Francesco Baglioni, director of Ithaca project. “In most cases they don’t have the tools to make decisions.”

Aldo tells in the ebook of Cittadinanzattiva In Equilibria: «At a certain point the mental illness fell on me: my brother in delirium! He got hurt because God told him to purify himself; he believed that the Christian Democrats and the Fascists were angry with him; he would lock himself in the house because he said he was “under control”.

It takes a while to understand, because you’ve never seen someone who is delirious before. It’s terrible: in those moments her eyes were wide open, distorted, terrified. She frightened me and even disgusted me. He lived like a bum, with a crumpled face and a terrible smell.

The house disassembled, he slept on the ground among household goods and garbage. I crawled on my knees to the Mental Health Center for them to do something, but if he didn’t go, they said, there was nothing they could do. 15 long years like this! It took two TSOs (Compulsory Health Treatment) to initiate drug therapy and to welcome him into the community ».

Non-sanitary meeting spaces

Sometimes, even in the most complex situations, it is the parents who reject therapeutic communities because they consider them the last port of call, where they can direct their child only when the strength to look after him fails together with the hopes of seeing him live a different story.

What do you need, then? Where the disease allows it, and the cure works, more structures that bring children back to the social dimension they need and have a right to. And to give relief to families, as Franco Basaglia (the psychiatrist who inspired the law that abolished psychiatric hospitals and established public mental health centers) wished.

An excellent experience is the one promoted by Ithaca project that in eleven cities (Milan, Bologna, Florence, Genoa, Lecce, Naples, Palermo, Parma, Rimini, Rome and Turin) He has made (importing them from abroad) le Club Housenon-health day care facilities (there are no psychiatrists, nor psychotherapists) where girls and boys between 20 and 45 years are involved in some activitiessuch as the management of the kitchen, the vegetable garden, the internal bar.

Self-help groups for parents

“The social stigma of mental illness is so ingrained that families hide and struggle to speak openly about their problems»Explains Antonella Algeri, founder of the association Hug him for me of Messina, a network of family members of people with psychiatric pathologies.

The non-profit organization takes its name from the film by Vittorio Sindoni which in 2016 told the story of a boy with mental disorder. «He is only in the self and mutual help groups that opening up becomes easier»Underlines Giovanni Ubezio, co-founder ofGiulia and Matteo Associationalso made up of family and friends.

“We have a group dedicated to caregivers of adult patients, and another specific group for those who care for young patients who have different and evolving problems”. To reverse the trend and help these lost young people on the threshold of 18 years a lot of energy is needed, the experience of citizens, families, communities, professionals. Here we have collected some already active realities: we hope they will be useful.

Useful addresses

Established realities or in the process of affirmation: the initiatives that are aimed at those living with a mental disorder are still virtuous exceptions. But knowing their activities can be of help and inspiration even for those who live too far away to attend them.

Throughout Italy – Itaca Project
Active in 17 cities, it offers a free listening line (800 274 ​​274; 02 29007166); It manages Self-Help Groups (in Genoa, Milan, Parma and Rome), Club Houses and job placement projects.

Lombardy and Emilia Romagna – Checkmate
Assisted homes, work activities and club houses.

Verona – Out of Place
It is much more than a bar. Here, every café offers a job opportunity to people with mental suffering. [email protected]

Milan – Harmoniously
For parents of children with borderline disorder. Founded by a father starting from the experience lived by his daughter, now 22 years old.

Milan – Olinda, an opportunity for everyone
Olinda is a theater, a restaurant, a catering service, a hostel where people involved in mental health support programs work.

Trento – ARIS
It is an association for family members. Tel. 0461 263183

Reggio Emilia – Coop L’Ovile
Managed by CGM, the national consortium of social cooperation, the Ovile supports the social integration of psychic patients.

Perugia – Numero Zero Restaurant
Here 50 percent of the workforce is made up of people in charge of mental health services.

Perugia – Houses shared with PRISMA
Each of the psychiatric patients lives together with young workers or students who are granted free use of the accommodation in exchange for living together.

Capo D’Orlando (Messina) – Hug him for me
The association develops information, prevention and support projects for people with mental disabilities, family members and citizenship.

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Cagliari – Agape Cooperative
In the two houses of Selargius and Quartu Sant’Elena adults with psychic disabilities are welcomed who are ready for an independent life.

