PSG star Keylor Navas accepts 30 refugees in home cinema

Keylor Navas is known for his social commitment. Now the Paris St. Germain goalkeeper and his wife have taken in 30 Ukrainian refugees. The guests sleep in the footballer’s home cinema.

Paris St Germain goalkeeper Keylor Navas has taken in 30 refugees. This is reported by the Spanish medium “SPORT”. According to this, the Costa Rican is said to have learned from a Spanish organization that it had left for Kraków in Poland to distribute food and rescue refugees. This was a signal for the football star to do something himself. So he quickly converted his own home cinema into a dormitory and took 30 of the people with him.

His wife, Andrea Salas, is supposed to cook for the newly admitted guests. She also posted a post on Instagram in which she called for refugees to stay with them. Among other things, she wrote: “I share the information so that they (the refugees Note d. editor) being able to feel love in the midst of so much pain.” The Navas family is said to have also held a service for the refugees.

It is not the first time that the footballer and his wife have become active. At the beginning of the Corona pandemic, they launched the “Baskets of Hope” campaign to bring food to around 3,700 families who were particularly affected by the pandemic.
