PSC and Comuns agree with Tot per Terrassa to govern the Barcelona Provincial Council

The Ballart deal does not imply the entry of TxT into the government of the entity, since the mayor has negotiated based on a 25-page document with concrete measures for his city. If it has ended up being part of this equation despite governing with ERC and with Junts at the municipal level, it is because of the Lack of agreement between the independentistas. “There has only been an articulated majority,” argue sources from the formation, which from the beginning was open to negotiating with each other.

To Ballart even in the last days they have come to offer him the presidency from Junts of the institution to attract the votes of the PP to a non-independence candidate, in addition to those of the ERC, but none of the meetings between post-convergents and Republicans, nor the one that took place this Tuesday between the leadership of the two parties, have reached good port.

The risk Junts faces

It remains to be seen what the two independent Junts will do. The match of Jordi Turull and Laura Borras runs the risk of breaking up in the institution in the middle of the general election campaign. Until last week, the mayor of Igualada and leader of Junts per Igualada, Marc Castells; and the mayor of Torrelles de Foix and leader of Impulsem Penedès, Sergi Valles, were in favor of joining the pact with the socialists so as not to lose influence and resources in the entity. However, the Junts leadership has rolled up its sleeves in the last week to try to prevent it.

Socialist sources hope that, finally, they will end up opting to join the agreement, although numerically you don’t need them. PSC has 17 representatives who, added to the five of the Comuns and that of TxT, make a total of 23, enough to guarantee control of the Diputación despite the fact that at the last minute, in a twist of the script, the independentistas sealed a pact. Junts, with 12 deputies -among them the two independents-, and ERC, with 11, add up to 23, but before a tie it is the most voted party who takes the presidency, that is, the PSC.

Related news

The forecast of PP is to vote for yourself and that, despite the fact that he has held conversations with both the Socialists and Junts, he ends up being left out of the two arithmetics. The main pitfall of Xavier Garcia Albiol is that the Comuns have put a red line from the outset to repeat the triangulation that did work in the Barcelona City Council so that Jaume Collboni and not Xavier Trias was mayor.

The Comuns await ERC post-23J

In Comú Podem he made it clear to the PSC that, if the popular ones entered the equation, they would break the agreement. party supplies Ada Colau maintain that, after the general elections of July 23, ERC ends up joining to the government of the institution and configuring the left-wing tripartite that they demand on all fronts.
