Proximus sets up expertise center for cybersecurity and artificial intelligence | Tech

Proximus is setting up an innovation and expertise center dedicated to artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity. The center will be named Ada and will open on April 1. The telecom company announced this on Monday, in the presence of Minister of Public Enterprises and Telecommunications Petra De Sutter.

Proximus Ada will be based in Brussels and will initially employ around fifty experts in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. According to Proximus, the aim is to triple this number to a total of 150 local experts in the next three years.

Ada’s expertise will be used to enable the companies within the group to improve their products and services, but also to stimulate their growth in Belgium and internationally through the development and launch of new applications. Ada must also strengthen the resilience of the companies of the Proximus group against cyber threats, as well as the security of the solutions and services they develop for their customers.

Artificial intelligence

Minister De Sutter is pleased that AI and cybersecurity will be housed in the center and points out that 5G will be an incentive for artificial intelligence. At the same time, she advocates clear rules to prevent the misuse of artificial intelligence.

“Artificial intelligence will play a key role in moving towards a more sustainable future, including through the optimization of energy consumption, helping to achieve Europe’s ambition to be climate neutral by 2050,” said De Sutter. “Healthcare and mobility will also benefit from these new technologies. Thanks to the efforts of Proximus Ada, we will also be better able to fight against cybercrime, in particular thanks to better techniques to detect and combat fraud.”


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