Proximus online telephone book disappears | Interior

Last weekend, Proximus pulled the plug on its digital telephone directory after more than 20 years. The payment number 1207 will still exist, says the telecom operator.

On the website, anyone could find free telephone numbers or addresses of individuals and companies. However, the relevance of the online guide had decreased, says Proximus spokesperson Fabrice Gansbeke. For example, people nowadays search for company data directly on the company website.

Until 2014, Proximus, as the historical operator, was obliged to offer telephone directories and telephone information services. After that, the company continued to invest in services. Since the beginning of 2022, the management of the universal database for telephone directories has moved from Proximus to the government regulator BIPT. The telecom company ultimately chose not to invest further in the website.

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The telephone information service via the number 1207 will continue to exist. It’s not free. The rate differs from operator to operator and also depends on the duration of the call, but the price for an inquiry can amount to a few euros. There are also online telephone directories from other companies, such as and
