Provisional prison for the child harasser of Les Corts

A judge has ordered that he enter provisional prison the man arrested twice by the Mossos d’Esquadra by touching and kissing minors of age in the district of Les Cortes Barcelona, ​​according to sources consulted by EL PERIÓDICO. After the first arrest, made on Saturday at one in the afternoon, the man was taken to court but he was released. On Tuesday, just three days later, plainclothes officers arrested him. for trying to grope a 3 year old. This Thursday he has gone to court again but, on this second occasion, the court on duty has ordered him to enter jail preventively.

The image of the suspect has circulated these days through the WhatsApp groups of parents of school students in the area. As the mother of the first minor affected has revealed in an audio, in a story confirmed by police sources, the man was the protagonist of the first incident when he approached his 9-year-old son in a bakery on Saturday morning. “The man bothered him, harassed him, touched him and wanted to take him away.” The baker had to intervene to prevent that from happening.

The boy’s father, after that attack, began to follow the suspect and witnessed how he did the same with another minor, whom he touched and kissed despite the fact that his mother was in the place. The Mossos, notified by this father, went to the point referred to by the complainant and arrested the pedophile for the first time. However, this Tuesday, after going to court, the man was released with charges. And he relapsed.

second arrest

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The Mossos received another call this Tuesday at noon after the same suspect approached another minor in the Les Corts district, shortly after regaining his freedom. After this third incident, plainclothes officers located the assailant and they followed him discreetly. This is how they verified how after a few minutes, around three in the afternoon, he again addressed a 3-year-old minor and tried to kiss him, at which time he was arrested for the second time.

The mother of the first harassed minor requested in the audio that she has shared with other parents from a neighborhood school that, in the event that the detainee regains his freedom after going to court –something that has not happened–, the police be notified. the police immediately if it is detected that he continues loitering near minors in the neighborhood.
