Provisional childcare allowance for 2024 known | News item

News item | 02-06-2023 | 3:00 PM

The government will increase the reimbursement for childcare costs in 2024. The maximum hourly rate will be increased by 6.01% for all types of childcare. This brings the maximum hourly rate for day care to €9.65, for out-of-school care to €8.30 and for host parent care to €7.24. The Council of Ministers has agreed to this on the proposal of Minister Van Gennip of Social Affairs and Employment.

The maximum hourly rate and qualifying income for childcare allowance are indexed annually. In this way, the government will ensure that the childcare allowance corresponds as closely as possible to the average wage and price development. Today a decision was made about the provisional compensation. The proposal will first be submitted to the Senate and the House of Representatives and then the Council of State will be asked for advice.

Importance of affordable childcare

The childcare sector is a market sector of great public interest. It ensures that parents can combine work and care for their family. It also ensures that children can start their development in a good and safe way. That is why society benefits from childcare being and remaining affordable for parents.
