Provinces are asking for a different approach from the next government

The provinces are calling on the next cabinet to take a different course. In this way, they want to solve the problems in rural areas as quickly as possible, in exchange for a stronger policy, financial security and prospects for entrepreneurs from the government.

The twelve provinces have established this within the Interprovincial Consultation (IPO). In recent months, there has been increasing criticism from the provinces. Last summer they submitted their plans for the Provincial Rural Area Program (PPLG). Here they describe how the goals for water, nature, climate and nitrogen should be achieved. They believe that the government asks a lot of them, but gives little in return. It is not clear how the provincial plans will be paid for.

“The new cabinet formation offers an opportunity to renew and improve cooperation between the national government and provinces with regard to the tasks for rural areas,” says Frisian deputy Femke Wiersma, chairman of the administrative advisory committee for rural areas within the IPO.

The provinces are now making an offer to the four parties (PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB) that are negotiating a cabinet. As soon as the new government has been formed, the provinces want to make mutual agreements and record them in an administrative agreement within six months. For example, the provinces want a higher, scientifically determined threshold value for nitrogen, which should restart the stalled licensing process for PAS detectors.
