Province: no problems with storks in Drenthe

The provincial government of Drenthe currently sees no problems with the stork. This is evident from answers to written questions from the BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB).

The BBB faction in the Drenthe Parliament is concerned about the impact of the long-legged migratory bird. In addition to the Reestdal, a popular nesting spot, the party wants to know whether the population is also growing elsewhere in the province.

Expansion of the number of storks can have a negative impact on biodiversity, writes the BBB. The rural party fears that meadow birds, hares and field mice will succumb to the bird’s voracity. Its establishment could also be a prelude to the designation of more Natura 2000 areas. The coalition, of which BBB is a part, is not in favor of this.

The municipality of De Wolden recently started an initiative for research into storks in the Reestdal. This should show whether biodiversity will be at risk if the stork advance continues. Discussions have been initiated with the province, local municipalities and other (nature) organizations. The BBB advocates also conducting this research in the rest of the province.

The provincial government writes that larger flocks of storks are observed in North and Northeast Drenthe, but this does not give reason to give these areas protected status. Furthermore, the claim that meadow birds and other animals are a quick meal for storks is questionable, answers the Provincial Executive.

“Larger prey, such as chicks of meadow birds or young hares, are opportunistic prey, depending on the area. As far as we know, the stork does not hunt specifically for this. We currently see no problems with the stork.” Measures to reduce the number of storks or to combat perceived nuisance are excluded, as can be concluded from the answer.
