Provedel did it again! First Ascoli, now Atletico: the goal from the goalkeeper who played the p

Lazio’s number one had already scored a very similar goal in Serie B, on 7 February 2020. He was playing with the Campania team and scored in the 95th minute

Francesco Pietrella

A goal from a true striker for someone who was a striker as a child. Ivan Provedel did it again. From Ascoli-Juve Stabia in 2020 in Serie B to the decisive header in the Champions League against Lazio. The good thing is that Provedel is a goalkeeper by profession, defending posts and hopes, but for once he has chosen to embrace the past again.

exultation? Almost

Luis Alberto’s cross is one of those made with a compass to end right there, Atletico’s defense is firm, Cholo Simeone, dressed in black and anxious as if it were a final, is waiting for the final whistle, but in the end Ivan appears : 1-1. After scoring the most important goal of his career he almost doesn’t rejoice. He runs, he looks around, then he plants himself under the grandstand surrounded by his teammates. There is Cataldi who seems to say to him “what have you done?”. Then Luis Alberto kisses him, Immobile takes his face in his hands. Ivan Provedel scorer, who would have thought? And instead Ivan placed it like this on his debut in the Champions League. Last year he finished the championship with 21 clean sheets. Three years ago, in Serie B, he scored another goal.

that time in b

The previous one has date and place: Del Duca stadium, 7 February 2020, Ascoli-Juve Stabia. Provedel is the goalkeeper of the Campania region, with a few seconds left he arrives in the area and scores from the development of a corner. There too, an equal goal. A tribute to his past as a striker. The still image is one to study: Provedel is the only Lazio player to move on Luis Alberto’s cross. Everyone is still, even those from Atletico.

the child’s tip

In La Spezia they called him “the lighthouse keeper”. He reiterated it several times: “I try to shed as much light as possible, to stop what can be stopped.” Or to score goals. If he plays football as a professional he owes it to two people: Gianfranco Zigoni and Renzo Zanet. Everything is known about the former, an old eccentric leader of Rome, Juve and Verona, but little about the latter. He is credited with having brought Ivan to San Paolo di Piave to play with the local team, Liapiave. Provedel played in attack, but he didn’t like it: “I wanted to emulate Jasin.” His passion for the “Black Spider” was born from a once upon a time told by his grandfather, a Russian from Moscow. The rest is recent history: Lazio enjoys it, Spalletti studies him, he scores goals and saves. The debut in the Champions League is perfect.
