Prove slow internet and get money back

Many people know it: a certain internet speed is promised in the contract, but only a fraction of it reaches the home. The result is long download times, shaky streams and video conferences that keep breaking off. But those affected can defend themselves against internet that is too slow.

An amendment to the Telecommunications Act makes it possible. On December 1, 2021, the so-called TKG Amendment came into force, which strengthens the rights of Internet connection owners. If the connection to the Internet at home is slower than agreed with the provider, customers have the right to reduce the monthly basic fee.

How to seize an internet line that is too slow

This may have been possible earlier, but it was difficult for those affected to prove that the speed was too low and to assert their rights. The providers often argued with fluctuations in the line or possible bottlenecks in the customer’s hardware. But that should be over now, because those affected now have a simple method of proof available:

1. Eliminate sources of error

Before you contact the provider, you should check and rule out possible sources of error. Because the cause of slow internet is not always the line. Outdated network card drivers, poor WiFi reception, too many browser cookies, incorrect router settings, unsuitable cables or antivirus programs can also slow down the speed.

Read here what else will change for internet and mobile phone users thanks to TKG Novell:

2. Measure internet speed

To the Connection speed measurement the Federal Network Agency has been offering software since mid-December 2021. In the application, users can select their tariff in advance or manually enter their contractually agreed download and upload speeds. The software then starts a measurement series with 20 measurements within two days. It then delivers the result and assesses whether the service conforms to the contract or not. Important: The computer must be connected to the router with a LAN cable. Inaccuracies can occur when measuring via WLAN.

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3. Assert rights with the provider

If the Internet is actually too slow and the performance deviates from the contractually agreed rate, those affected have two options: They confront their provider in writing with the measurement protocol and inform them that they will make use of their right to a reduction. The following applies: Anyone who only receives 80 percent of the agreed service may reduce the payment by 20 percent accordingly.

Ideally, the provider then no longer bills this amount at all. If, on the other hand, you have already paid the full amount of the monthly basic fee, the difference must be credited or refunded by the provider, says Felix Flosbach from VZ NRW. Revocation of the entire direct debit is not recommended. According to Flosbach, if customers are in default of payment, the provider can block the connection.

The alternative: If you want to change providers because of poor performance, you have a special right of termination before the end of the contract period. The only requirement: the provider must be given a deadline in advance so that they can still provide the contractually agreed service. Felix Flosbach names 10 to 14 days as a reasonable period.

In the event of a dispute with the provider about reduction or termination, the Advice centers of the consumer centers Support.

4. Compensation in case of internet failure

If the Internet connection fails completely, those affected have the right to have the problem rectified immediately and free of charge. In the event of a failure of more than one day, the provider must inform about this. From the third calendar day after receipt of the fault report, those affected are entitled to compensation: for calendar days three and four that is five euros or ten percent of the monthly contract fee, from the fifth day it is ten euros or 20 percent.

Also read: Right to Compensation for Internet Disturbance and Missed Technician Appointment

The legally regulated reduction claim for slow internet has existed for some time. Since then, however, experience with the providers has unfortunately shown that they often reduce the monthly basic prices too little, although those affected actually have a higher claim to a reduction. Numerous complaints have already been received by the NRW consumer advice center. There were cases where users only received a reduction of 2.50 euros instead of 13 euros per month. “In our advice centers, complaints from consumers who are unable to enforce an appropriate reduction despite demonstrably falling short of internet performance are piling up,” says Flosbach.

For this reason, the consumer advice center has now created an online calculator that transparently determines the exact reduction claim for users. You can find the calculator here.

The use requires measurement results from the broadband measurement of the Federal Network Agency. Users enter the data determined in this way together with information about their contract in a form. The tool then automatically creates the calculated reduction amount and writes a cover letter that can be sent to the provider.

With material from dpa
