Proud of his job! This tram driver shares images of his rides with the RandstadRail

Some people are very proud of their job. This includes the Hague tram driver Jeroen (36) who works for HTM. And you often want to share that pride with others. He posts information about his rides, photos and videos on Instagram and YouTube.

On social media, the tram driver tells, among other things, what type of vehicles he drives and in which places he is waiting to drive his services. Complete with departure times and weather conditions. He has followers from Zoetermeer, other cities and even from abroad.

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But we also read all kinds of facts about the trams and the company. He explains, for example, that HTM’s trams are washed by hand and when a tram goes to the depot. The videos give you a look at the front of the tram and you can see exactly what the tram driver sees from the cab during his rides, including through Zoetermeer. Fun channels for tram fans!

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