Protesters demand closure of Tata and climb over the fence of the Haarlem provincial government

Protesters stand in front of the gates of the provincial government in Haarlem and demand closure of Tata Steel IJmuiden. Several people have climbed over the fence, and at least three people have been detained by the police.

It is a protest of Extinction Rebellion. They are standing in front of Paviljoen Welgelegen, the imposing provincial house. Ferkan Öry, 77-year-old pediatrician and ‘rebel’, explains: “We are here because we want to address the province, which is responsible for permits as the competent authority. There are revolving door criminals on the Tata Steel board, it goes on and on. “

A police spokesperson said a report was received at around 10.30 am. “Then there were about fifteen people making music, and there were also banners (see photo, red).”

Earlier, the police spokesperson confirmed that at least one person has climbed over the fence, as well as that one has already been arrested. Our reporter at the scene saw that more people had climbed the fence, and at least three people were arrested.

Message is being completed.
