‘Protesters at German border threatened by passer-by’

A few dozen cars block the border crossing with Germany, just over the provincial border at Ter Apel. This happens on the Rütenbrockerweg (N366). The cars have been there since about 9 p.m. tonight.

It seems to be people who support farmers in their fight against the government’s nitrogen plans.

After a while the police, both on the Dutch and German side, came to take a look. There is said to be a somewhat grim atmosphere after a motorist trying to get past the blockade from Germany threatened protesters with a large wrench. This is reported by a bystander.

There are no tractors at the blockade. There are, however, many farmers’ handkerchiefs on display, some inverted Dutch flags and signs with statements such as ‘It is not correct.’.

Next to the cars, people sit on a folding seat, with cool boxes and barbecues, to enjoy the beautiful weather. The bridge on the German side of the border is blocked with some hay or straw bales.

It is still unclear whether the farmer’s handkerchief protest at the border will be closed soon.
