Protest march for farmers through Eindhoven: 2000 people expected

‘Together for the Netherlands’ will hold a protest march through Eindhoven on Sunday in solidarity with the farmers. Between 1500 and 2000 people are expected. It is billed as ‘The Farmer’s Handkerchief March’.

The municipality has given permission for the march. Among other things, use is made of one tractor, two sound cars, a double decker with stage and speakers, flags and banners.

According to the decision of the municipality, the purpose of the manifestation is to ‘indicate the dissatisfaction with the government policy of the Rutte IV cabinet’.

The manifestation will start at 12:00 on the Stadhuisplein. The march through the city departs at 1:00 PM and ends at 4:00 PM.

The police advised the municipality. This has shown that there is no objection, but that regulations must be complied with. For example, the organization must appoint at least sixty supervisors. The banners may not have thick sticks or bars.

If it threatens to get out of hand, the organizer must report this immediately.
