Protest in Nederland at voorleessessie by dragqueen: ‘Seksuele indoctrinatie’ | Nieuws

The grandchildren of the demonstrators lifted themselves later, lost in the building of the open library in the Netherlands. Ze protesteerden daar korte tijd vanwege een voorleesuurtje voor zetig childrenen door a dragqueen.

Het is Pride in Leiden en daarom las de Leidse dragqueen Dina Diamond zaterdagmorgen voor aan children. Het went om een ​​’inclusief prentenboek was in diversity in all hair before the word gevierd’. Children from four years were welcome. In total he had a few children.

In the social media there are reactions to the communication of the events in other forums for the Democracy Chamber Gideon van Meijeren to be able to demonstrate. Volgens hem been ‘poisoned to children’s blood’. Left activists said there was a protest with a public demonstration.

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Nood ordering

The Burgemeester van Leiden has to do with the day before the end of the day and a new order is placed in the area around the library. The nood order is due until 13.00 a.m. and outside the sea in that persons who want to destroy the open order may not come in the area.

Therefore, it is reported that ‘demonstrators are not fundamentally right, but that the destruction of the open ordeal in serious waivers has not been given’ and that it is about a given situation.

Volgens een medewerker van de bibliotheek is de vorleessessie gewoon doorgegaan, thanks to de protesten in de omgeving. De bijeenkomst zou ‘drukbezocht’ zijn weweest. “Het was a superleuke session, a fantastic event for the children!”, aldus een woordvoerder.

Favoring regulated

The library had separate permissions regulated from Voorzorg, but the booklet was not in the highest level. Door de noodverordening must be kept away from demonstrators.

In April three times he was also expected to be at a midday for children by drag queens in the LantarenVenster Theater in Rotterdam. The activity will be announced in the next few years.

(Her)bekijk ook: Dragqueen: “We’ll never try again, we’ll inspire”
