Protest in Madrid against review of verdict of Catalan independence advocates | Abroad

Thousands of people are protesting in Spain against a possible remission for Catalan independence supporters. The demonstrators followed the call of opposition leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s conservative People’s Party (PP) and gathered on Felipe II Square in the capital Madrid on Sunday.

The Socialists (PSOE) of interim Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez are considering forgiving the people who want their region to become independent for the punishments they should receive. This in exchange for support in government formation.

According to the PP, more than 30,000 people took part in the protest. In addition to Feijóo, ex-prime ministers Mariano Rajoy and José María Aznar also participated. They complained, among other things, that the planned remission is unconstitutional and a violation of the rule of law.

Elections of new Prime Minister

Feijóo still hopes to become Spain’s next prime minister after his election victory in July. This week, parliament will vote on his nomination, but he is not expected to make it. His party does not have a majority, even with the support of the right-wing populist party Vox.

When Feijóo’s attempt fails, Catalan independence advocates enter the picture. Then the socialist PSOE may try to form a government, the party of current Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez. His left-wing bloc also does not have a majority, but could have one with the support of Catalan separatist parties.
