Protest against coming to sheds the size of 46 football fields | 1Limburg

Dozens of people protested in Sevenum on Thursday evening against the arrival of two buildings the size of 46 football fields on the Greenport business park.

The protest took the form of a walk through the area near the Zeesweg. Logistics company Geodis wants to build two large buildings there. “101 loading docks and more than 600 parking spaces. There is nothing left of the landscape in our area,” says local resident John van Dooren.

The residents fear nuisance in the form of light, noise and particulate matter. “The buildings will really be in people’s front yards. We have been promised a robust green buffer. 60 meters with a sand embankment and a few trees is not what we call a robust green buffer.”

Two sizes
Van Dooren believes that there are two standards. “Farmers have to take all kinds of measures because of nitrogen emissions and such a large company may be built. Then the environment is suddenly no longer important.”

Whether the two large buildings of the logistics company will actually be built remains to be seen. A number of residents have objected to the zoning plan. The case has yet to be heard by the Council of State.

Also read: Mayor Horst in conversation with concerned Seven numbers

To care
Residents of Zeesweg in Sevenum have been concerned for some time about developments in their environment. Mayor Ryan Palmen spoke to them during a walk through the neighborhood in October.
