Protection of the rainforest – EU Parliament votes for stricter import rules

STRASBOURG (dpa-AFX) – Coffee, wood, palm oil and other products may no longer be sold in the EU if forests have been cleared for them. The EU Parliament approved a corresponding project on Wednesday in Strasbourg. This is intended to significantly reduce the deforestation of the rainforest, for example in the South American Amazon region. According to information from the EU Parliament, ten percent of the deforestation between 1990 and 2020 is attributable to consumers in the EU.

In concrete terms, companies will in future have to submit a declaration of due diligence stating that the product has not caused any damage to the forest. The new rules also apply to goods containing, fed with or made from the listed raw materials. Leather, chocolate and furniture are mentioned as examples. Parliament’s approval followed an agreement between negotiators from EU countries and MEPs. The EU states still have to agree, but this is considered a formality.

“I am relieved that European consumers can now be sure that they are no longer unknowingly participating in deforestation when they eat their chocolate bar or enjoy a well-deserved coffee,” said the chief negotiator on the issue, Christophe Hansen , from the European People’s Party (EPP).

The new law will come into force 20 days after its publication in the EU Official Journal, with a transitional period of 18 months for certain parts. Those who don’t follow the rules risk fines./rew/DP/nas
