pros and cons of the most popular dish – iO Donna

THESushi is one of the exotic foods most loved by Italians. The June 18 is celebrated on Sushi Day, one more opportunity to choose between sashimi, rolls, onigiri, uramaki and much more. What is certain, however, is that everything must be eaten strictly using chopsticks. Which may take some practice. Another small rule to respect is to flavor it with soy sauce, perhaps with the addition of the spicy note of wasabi. Not only is it really tasty, studies have shown it is also a key to longevity.

Does sushi extend life?

According to an investigation Uber Eats conducted in partnership with Nextplorasushi conquers Italians for taste (59%), for his variety and shape (42%) and why they love both exotic (23%). But one more reason to choose it is that seems to extend life. According to a study conducted in Japan, led by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine of Tokyo and published on Bmjadherence to Japanese dietary guidelines, decreases the risk of premature death for all causes, including cardiovascular disease. The guidelines provide for a balanced consumption of cereals, vegetables, fruit, fish and meat. The diet and lifestyle of 36,624 men and 42,920 women between the ages of 45 and 75 with no previous illnesses were analyzed. The result? Those who adhered to the “guide” to Japanese food, developed in 2005 by the government, registered a 15% lower total mortality rate in 15 years.

Watch out for possible risks

«Sushi is not really” fresh “fish. Raw consumption of different fish species could be risky. To avoid the danger, the product must be adequately killed. The reason is theAnisakis, a parasitic nematode of various fish, which is only destroyed by heat treatments. So if you want to consume raw fish in the form of sushi, sashimi, carpaccio, tartare and more, at home or away from home, it will be it is essential to make sure that it has been previously blast chilled at -20 ° C for a continuous time equal to at least 24 hours. This allows you to greatly reduce the general bacterial loadminimizing the risk of microbial food poisoning and infections, ”he explains Fabio Campolichef, entrepreneur and trainer, well-known face of TV and editor.

Sushi: for many but not for everyone

«Sushi is in fashion, but it’s not for everyone: better avoid offering it to those with weak immune systems, such as small children, patients with particular diseases or the elderly, who are therefore more susceptible to infections. Regarding i childrenfurthermore, it must be emphasized that fish is one of the allergenic foods. Therefore, many pediatricians recommend adding it to infant nutrition only at the end of a course of introduction of all other solid foods (cereals, meat, eggs, legumes, fruit, vegetables). Also, remember that too for pregnant women the consumption of raw fish is not recommended. In any case, sushi will also be excellent using cooked fish », continues Campoli.

